Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tom Delonge Us Flag Jacket


bounds by the renowned red guide, and other large to those who still do not have touched with the magic wand (just prefer that is), leave their habitual homes to move to new places grastronómicos.

few months ago, the Catalan chef living in Madrid since 1997, when then embarked on the street La Broche Doctor Fleming, left the last few months had been his home, which had gotten his second star Michelin red guide for disagreements with the company Occidental. Great restaurants like La Broche, a table where I had the opportunity to sit in 2004, must have pillars on which rest that are sufficiently entrenched to deal with the realities of a star restaurant. Sergi Arola of La Broche and Arola Madrid and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhad been sponsored by the Catalan chef in agreements with Western hospitality company. After solving or problems with the chain, Arola focuses on his new project but apparently without leaving the Arola BCN. A Bistro in the capital of Spain. Sergi Arola Gastro.

Catalan also, but settled down to 28 last February at his restaurant Ramón Freixa Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnow after years of travel in the Catalan capital Ramón Freixa moves to Calle Claudio Coello 67 in Salamanca district, Madrid. Opened last May "Ramón Freixa Madrid" . But Ramon moving to the capital of Spain does not mean the end of that until February was the restaurant, since they gave you the address of the restaurant at any given time, resume their outfits to open the doors of " Freixa Tradició. "

Parents Ramon and he himself will take over the leadership of the new restaurant's kitchen that takes up memory, nostalgia, origins and the palate of children in the family. Catalan cuisine at its best.

The direction room "Sergi Arola Gastro" be defended by Sergi's wife, Sarah Fort. Who also accompanied him in La Broche Hotel Miguel Angel. Bistro-style Sergi Arola. The décor and the atmosphere created, disclose whom he knows nothing about rock and sensitive nature. Sergi has been criticized on many occasions to be a chef media. I understand that by unfounded jealousy. Perhaps not is important in this age of information, disseminate and bring the kitchen to the world. But nothing has stopped the successful career of Sergi Arola. The new stage in Sergi Sergi Arola Gastro Zurbano begins on the street. In a room not too big and with a cuisine very focused on the product and Sergi's hand in the form of menus. Cheeses including a very interesting menu.

On the other hand, know details of the new phase of Ramon Freixa. I met him in the Pan House restaurant run by chef Alberto Chicote, but I never imagined that at the time hanging around his head moving to the capital Madrid. After

sounded a gourmet divorce, and moving, al parecer fruto de un nuevo proyecto del otro, alimenta y acrecienta la duda acerca de sus estrellas michelin. Duda que rondaba las cocinas españolas. ¿Aceptaría el traslado del cocinero la preciada guía roja manteniéndole sus dos estrellas?

Una de las dudas está resuelta ya en la última edición de la guía. Sergi Arola se lleva las estrellas de La Broche al nuevo Arola Gastro. ¿Se otorgan las estrellas a restaurantes o a cocineros?
Ahora nos queda la duda de Ramón Freixa. ¿Empieza de cero para los ojos de la guía roja? ¿Se mudarán también sus estrellas al nuevo restaurante de Madrid?

La mesa esta puesta a falta de ser servida... queda esperar y llenarnos de paciencia wishing luck in their projects to the two Catalan chefs and waiting to sit in their new homes soon.


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