CAp 3, operating in the Terrace ... KAP 3 KOlonilottsjobb
Estuvimos en el bancal el domingo y el lunes. Jordi siempre quieres ir.
We were on the allotment on Sunday and Monday. Jordi had wanted to go every day .. It is located about 20 minutes away, said it is not far. Though every day we do not have time:)
Judi saliendo de la tierra. Las planting amos the Semillas! Al Haberl comprado a una feria biologica.
I got a book when I was 5 or so, from my aunt Kinkan. Linea planting. It has followed me in all my home since then (if one were to count ... 20-25 home so far :)). And now we are planting an allotment! The beans are starting work UPP (fotot ovan) planterade vi som bor.
The basil plants are growing happily:). Those who need special care are cucumbers. The ants are meetings in all its leaves. Basilika
planterades växer lyckligt som. Gurkorna däremot Pyrt ligger till. Bladen är fulla med myror. Var inte att Visste myror skadeinsekter.
Jordi had bought biological fertilizer in Pego. With the irrigation system put fertilizer to all plants. Jordi
kopt hade i sin lilla biologiskt gödningsmedel Hemby Pego. Alla blev plantorna via bevattningssytemet godd.
Barracas para las Judi. Mas Adelante haremos barracas mas, para los tomates. Y son muchos tomates:)
beans and tomatoes to climb. We built a "Barraca" to the beans.
Disfruta como un niño a navidad.
Happy as a child on Christmas Eve.
¡Que guapa, la flor del calabazin!
What nice, zucchini-flower!
¡Un melon esta saliendo!
E n small small melon!
Lo que mas mas he crecido son las calabazas (ver abajo). Tambien las planting amos the Semillas.
It has grown the most are the pumpkins (below). We planted them as seeds.
Tomate de Pera.
Pear Tomato.
La Barraca ya esta list:)
"Barracan" is finished:)
Ya os contaremos mas cosas:)
To be continued .. when there are more things to tell:)
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