could do little while ago to see a film of many that I have on hold at last! We chose
So good, let the first thing is the presentation itself.
What are you going?
Kei is a student of those who pass the world but one day, waiting for a train, is a former classmate, Masaru, but Kei does as he has not seen. A person falls to the tracks and nobody does anything. Masaru down to help and save him but when he tries to leave the tracks can not. The train is coming and ask for help from Kei. This commitment goes to help but ultimately the two ending hit. However, open their eyes and appear in a room together a black ball and with others unknown. Another person comes and the ball starts. It gives them some costumes, weapons and a goal. Kill an alien. At first they think they are on TV but soon realize that everything is real. The ball is giving them points and if they 100 can choose between returning to life or revive someone who has died in some of the fight of Gantz. Between battles to return to their daily lives, but the return to Gantz is done without notice.
Let's see, I have two positions.
1. If you follow the manga Gantz: you may not like you. It is very faithful to the manga. And the adaptations of some characters may not satisfy you (happened to me with one, now I tell)
2. If you've never followed the manga and you like science fiction: it is very probable that you like. Have an argument that, a priori does not seem anything special, but really addictive. And you're not going to compare to anything you will have a good time.
is generally a movie, for that to take a while. It is not boring, it has action and the plot is decent. That if, if you do not hold the blood is better to abstain from seeing her ... I am of such people but, as sometimes I am a masochist and the argument I quite like the look, but when key scenes come close my eyes. But we must stress that although there is waste of red paint is much softer than the manga, this is exaggerated. I follow more or less by volume scans and always loose. I like it, but never buy. There are too many deaths, and explosions descuarticiones body for my taste.
Ah! What I said before. I was disappointed the adaptation that has made Nishi's character, I always imagined more bastard (pardon the word! Not describe it better! XD)
For this reason, the I recommend only if you hold the blood, if you like action and especially if you have not read the manga. If you're like me it is more or less, well, you will not mind so much that the adaptation is not as faithful as his supporters wanted.
Note: If you decide to see the film final wait until the end credits. Before the end make a break and see some extras and clear images, then hit the "continue ...".
Does anyone else has seen? What do you think?
Greetings otakus!

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